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domingo, 6 de julio de 2014

New words to my repertoire

My life in London is coming to an end (I think...). During my stay here I have learned new words and useful expressions. I have to thank my colleagues, students and Londoners for sharing their knowleadge with me. Here is a list:

bogies = mocos

rhubarb = ruibarbo

template = plantilla (My dear Headteacher Amy asked the teachers to use this one day...I was displaying a poker face at that moment)

to pop in = pasarse por un sitio (Again, thanks Amy for using this verb hahaha you Scots rock!)

to dress down = vestir ropa informal (It was a surprise to see the staff of the Job centers wearing rags)

to entitle = dar derecho a ( I still remember that lady telling her son off on the bus)

watershed = línea divisoria ( :D)

hocus-pocus = abracadabra (this moment was so hilarious! One of my kids went out of his mind and did not hesitate to have his say!)

hamper = cesto de la ropa sucia ( WHAT!!)

lazy bum = zángano, flojo! (Well, this is a compliment one of my kids said to me for not giving him a push on the swing)

Don't jinx it! = No seas gafe! (During a trip to Tower Bridge with our students, one of the teachers was daydreaming with the possibility of losing some students)

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Inglés para tiesos 2 "On the plane"

Here is the second set of exercises.



Stewardess =

Emergency exit =

to take off =

to land = 

aisle =

crew =


a) Cuando encontré el aeropuerto, mi avión ya había despegado ( recordad que DESPEGAR en inglés es TAKE OFF; tenéis que usar el PAST PERFECT que se forma con el auxiliar HAVE en pasado más el verbo principal en PARTICIPIO).

b) La azafata me dijo que (yo) no podía llevar más de dos maletas.

c) Tuve que esperar más de dos horas en la sala de espera porque había perdido mi tarjeta de embarque.

d) El año que viene quiero reservar un vuelo a Egipto.


Steward = azafato de vuelo

Pilot = piloto

Crew = tripulación

Airline = línea aérea

Booking = reserva

Cockpit = cabina 

Life jacket = chaleco salvavidas

To take off = despegar

To land = aterrizar


(Imagine you are about to fly with Ryanair. You can't find your seat so you ask the stewardess where your seat is. Then, you realize that you have lost your boarding pass on your way to the plane) INVENTA UN DIÁLOGO COMO EL SIGUIENTE :

Stewardess : Good evening, sir.

Tú: Good evening.


jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


Hi, everyone!

Perhaps I'm a bit bored or I'm just a sucker for sayings and proverbs. So here they are (those friends of mine linguists, teachers or simply languages lovers, feel free to contribute or correct me if one of these sayings are not correct in either language):
1. The early bird catches the worm = A quién madruga Dios le ayuda"
2. Every cloud has its silver lining = No hay mal que por bien no venga (I love this one!)
3. Out of the fire and into the frying pan = De Guatemala a Guatepeor
4. Out of sight, out of mind = Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente (I hate this one)
5. One bird in the hand is worth two in the bush = Más vale pájaro en mano que cientos volando
6. The last straw that broke the camel's back = Ser la gota que colmó el vaso
7. As father as son = De tal palo tal astilla
8. Haste makes waste = Vísteme despacio que tengo prisa
9. Don't look into the teeth of a gifted horse = A caballo regalado no le mires los dientes
10. Birds of a feather flock together = Dios los cría y ellos se juntan
11. Where there's smoke, there's fire = Cuando el río suena, agua lleva
12. Brain is better than brawn = Más vale maña que fuerza
13. A friend in need is a friend indeed = En la pobreza y en el peligro se conoce al buen amigo
14. A stitch in time saves nine = Más vale prevenir que curar
15. He calls a spade a spade = Al pan pan y al vino vino
16. Don't cast pearls before swine = No está hecha la miel para la boca del asno
17. No pain, no gain = Quien algo quiere, algo le cuesta
18. People who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones = No tires piedras en tu propio tejado
19. One good turn deserves another = Favor, con favor se paga
20. It takes all sorts = De todo hay en la viña del Señor
21. One man's meat is another man's poison = Nunca llueve a gusto de todos
22. Give a thing and take a thing, to wear the devil's gold ring = Santa Rita Rita, lo que se da no se quita
23. To kill two birds with a stone = Matar dos pájaros de un tiro

So here you are some food for thought! Any ideas? Los que no sepan inglés también pueden aportar las suyas en español 

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Welcome back!

Después de tres años sin escribir nada en el blog...¡estoy de vuelta! ¡Y escribiendo desde Londres! ¡Qué mejor lugar para escribir un blog de inglés!

Here I post the lyrics of a country song that is going to become a smash hit due to the targets of its lyrics! Read betwen the lines!

Kacey Musgraves - "Follow Your Arrow"

If you save yourself for marriage
You're a bore
If you don't save yourself for marriage
You're a horrible person
If you won't have a drink
Then you're a prude
But they'll call you a drunk
As soon as you down the first one

If you can't lose the weight
Then you're just fat
But if you lose too much
Then you're on crack
You're damned if you do
And you're damned if you don't
So you might as well just do
Whatever you want

Make lots of noise
Kiss lots of boys
Or kiss lots of girls
If that's something you're into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up a joint, or don't
Just follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points

If you don't go to church
You'll go to hell
If you're the first one
On the front row
You're self-righteous
Son of a-
Can't win for losing
You'll just disappoint 'em
Just 'cause you can't beat 'em
Don't mean you should join 'em

So make lots of noise
Kiss lots of boys
Or kiss lots of girls
If that's something you're into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up a joint, or don't
Just follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points

Say what you think
Love who you love
'Cause you just get
So many trips 'round the sun
Yeah, you only
Only live once

So make lots of noise
Kiss lots of boys
Or kiss lots of girls
If that's what you're into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up a joint, I would
And follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points