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lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

Análisis DAFO Gamificación

Motivar a través de los juegos

Cada vez se hace más necesario utilizar herramientas lúdicas en el aula para atraer la atención del alumnado y crear escenarios memorables. Esta experiencia es posible a través de  la gamificación.

domingo, 9 de junio de 2019

"Hell and Back" Maren Morris

Being an empathetic person is sign of high social and emotional competence. Among the traits that empathetic people share is that of connecting with other people and sharing emotions. Developing empathy could be easy if treated properly from a very early educational stage.

"Hell and back" makes us feel how an empathetic person deals with a relationship.

- Heartbreak
- To mind
- To need +v-ing
- Frayed
- To treasure
- A flaw
- To bat an eye
- To scare SOMEONE

sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

"High School" Kelsea Ballerini

Are usually high school memories good or bad? Well, it all depends on your experience and it could be said that lots of variables are on stake. Take technological advances as an example. Now every student owns a smartphone or smartwatch. The problem with this has to do with the misuse of mobile devices and the cruel intentions among adolescents which can result in bullying or something worse.

This song serves as a perfect example of what was like to be a high school student and how things have changed (for the better for some).

Vocabulary and Grammar:

Football match
To show up
To care about
Wanna = Want to
Ain't = am not/are not/is not (Generally used by African Americans and people with a southern american accent)
To grow up
To get cruel
First love
Prom Queen
To take SOMEONE out

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019

Gamificación - Enfoque educativo basado en los juegos

Sin duda, un enfoque novedoso y llamativo para el alumnado de cualquier materia. Fuente de motivación, atención y afectos, el aprendizaje basado en los juegos permite una experiencia en el aula con la que los alumnos adquirirán los contenidos exigidos en cualquier materia.

He aquí un ejemplo creado a través de la web